Medical Assistance for Eriberto “Tibo” Cabrera


Eriberto Cabrera or as what we call him “Tibo” is a very active and jolly person. He is such a talker, that’s why people are drawn to him because he is very sociable and his positivity just radiates, he also looove dancing and he is really a good dancer. Unfortunately, last January 7, 2022, he suffered a stroke, he underwent Craniotomy. Although the surgery was successful, his right side of the body was severely affected and his ability to speak. He also feeds through Nasogastric tube (NGT) because he is really having a hard time to swallow that’s why he also needs to attend a series of therapy.A week after he was discharged from the hospital, we had to rush him back again to the hospital because his oxygen level went down and he was really shivering. Doctors found out that he has acute bronchitis.After the second admission to the hospital, Tibo is already getting better. He is more active and gaining weight also. But on May 7, 2022, we noticed that he is not that active and not that responsive to commands, he is also pale and as if there is something off with his breathing. His doctor adviced to take him to the hospital because his oxygen level went down and it’s one of the symptoms of pneumonia.A series of lab tests were performed and the doctors found out that his hemoglobin was low that’s why he needed immediate blood transfusion. He was also sent to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) because he needed a mechanical ventilator to help him breathe. Initial diagnosis was pneumonia and he stayed in the ICU for almost 2 weeks. Final diagnosis is acute respiratory failure.Right now, he is in the regular room and recovering but we were informed that his oxygen level went down again and he is under observation.We are continously praying for his fast recovery but we are exhausted financially. Please help us provide and sustain all the care that he needs. We are humbly asking for financial assistance. Any amount will do and will be of great help. Please share this post also, one share can go a long way.We miss his stories, his laugh, his positivity, his support and motivation terribly. Please help us to be with our beloved Tibo, that is full of energy and back to his strong body.We can’t thank you enough and we will also pray that May God bless you in every way.

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Help Donna Lopez Win Her Fight Against Stage 4 Colorectal Cancer


My mother, Donna Lopez, or “Mommy D” as many people call her, has been battling Stage IV Colorectal Cancer over the last year. She was diagnosed in early 2021 and with the many support and prayers we received, we were able to get her through the first course of treatment that she needed right away. She went through 8 cycles of chemotherapy and we have seen significant results after, but we are not done with the fight yet. We’ve recently learned that my mom’s condition is progressing and upon seeking a second opinion from a local oncologist, we were given a new treatment plan that needs to be started immediately. She will undergo more cycles of chemotherapy to hopefully shrink the masses, prevent them from spreading more, and eventually, have them resected. Each cycle will be done every 14 days and will cost us around P65,000 ($1250 USD). It’s a pretty hefty amount that we will need help with. We have been saving up for her treatments and surgeries, but what we have isn’t enough yet. My mom has been a mentor, a friend, a partner, and a mother to many, while she was raising us. She has always been our inspiration, our motivation, and our guiding light. She has made a huge impact on many people’s lives and she deserves to be part of more. We know that many of us are still recovering and finding our way through this pandemic, but we are still hoping for your support, in any way possible. We believe that there are still many people with kind hearts who will lend a helping hand and we need your help to reach them. Help us fight this battle and give our Mommy D more years of laughter, inspiration, video games, and red velvet cupcakes!

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